The Space Time Antenna
Short Description
The Space-Time Antenna is a 3-dimensional Fractal Antenna that is also Isotropic and Omnidirectional, allowing multiple bandwidths of frequencies to coexist harmoniously and create constructive interference within a resonating chamber.
It is a solid-state resonator designed to increase the potential at the center where the fields decelerate and converge. This creates an equal and opposite reaction where expansion, acceleration, and divergence also happen.
The oscillation of expanding and contracting fields within a resonating chamber creates conditions for new subatomic particles, such as electrons, to appear, resulting in a higher power output current flow.
The Space-Time Antenna relay on the idea that Space and Time are ONE whole idea. When we have less Space the Time in duration increase and the Energy Potential. In this way a geometric Structure can create a gradient of potentials and set up vector forces in motion to do useful work.
All components on the images bellow are made out of pure copper alloy.


There is no emptiness and no chaos!
Symmetric fields physics
Main Principles

Equatorial Plane
Axis Y & Z
The secondary axis, (Y), is
perpendicular to the primary axis and is a diameter through the center of the sphere. The tertiary axis,(Z),
is perpendicular to both the primary axis and the secondary axis and defines a diameter through the center
of the sphere. Together the Y and Z axes define an equatorial plane in the sphere.

Potential Point of Radiation
The LAW states that any Time Field line or plane, Intersecting another Time Field line or plane
will form a potential point of radiation at the place of intersection.
The combined potential contribution to that center point develops an appropriate sphere
with axes.

Kinetic Zero Point of Change
Space Field Motion
The SPACE FIELD expands itself in all directions outward with equal pressures to form a
sphere. It radiates from a Time Field center point outward, to a diameter which exactly balances the potential
energy in the point.
At the limit of the circumference of the sphere , it begins to circle. At its maximum speed it reaches a “Point of Change = 0 “, a place where the S Field turns itself into Time Field.

Potential Zero Point of Change
Time Field Motion
The TIME FIELD moves from a spacious position to a plane, to a line, to a point. It attempts to
form a dimensionless point, yet its energy is held at a PLACE for a DURATION.
The T Field contracts in on itself. As the Time Field lines travel to center, they slow down, begin to coil, and reach a center limit relative to its “Point of Change = 0 “, where it changes to Space Field and begins its outward movement once
more. This is true for the gravitational forces around the earth and all other cosmic bodies
The Flash Matrix
Short Description
The Flash Matrix is based on a natural golden ratio pattern seen everywhere in nature and especially in the disc of a Sunflower where 21 Fibonacci Spirals are moving in one direction and 34 Spirals rotate in the other direction creating a Double Fibonacci Vortex.
This pattern is know as the most efficient way to distribute the highest amount of seed or cross section in a circular plane.
Not only this is the maximum number of intersections but they are also distributed symmetrically and at the same time exhibit Fractal Divergence and Convergence allowing the field to oscillate in and out.
This gradient is setting up higher potential at the center where fields are slowing down and acceleration toward the edge where bigger distance is traveled between each point for the same amount of time.
The dipole of that vortex is then converted to an electric field or potential difference on the top and the bottom of the vortex trough capacitor (Hemisphere) plates


Energy and materials are the same entity!
The Vortex
Properties and Aplications

Field flow through the vortex
Vortex Copy the Signal
Field flow through the vortex of a dipole carries the complete message of the dipole current in every part of the orifice. Any identifying condition of the toroid dipole is
multiplied any number of times within the orifice of the dipole.
Any field flow through a vortex creates a
current in the dipole which duplicates accurately the messages of the flow!

Pinpoint Vortex
Encoded Information in a Vortex
The current or field flow passing through a vortex carries detailed messages with vast amounts of encoded information.
How do we know that?
We experience with our eyes the coded information of light, and our eyes are designed to
decode that information.
By placing a pinpoint vortex within a larger vortex one set of codes can be isolated. The pupil of our eyes selects one bundle of coded light.

Esoteric View of Vortex
Vortex true Power
A vortex describes the equatorial plane of a sphere within its circling circumference which is often
identified with the feminine, as it replicates and magnifies, nurtures and sustains.
The esoteric view of this
vortex of the feminine is that of power, raw power. Axial divisions in that plane describe stabilizing
modifications of that power, primarily denoting law.
Concentric orbital rings on that plane delegate power to action.

Vast Applications and Capacitance
Vortex exist in all bilogical creations
Vortexes will simultaneously replicate all signaled input and enlarge it. Vortexes divide
themselves into dynamic, rhythmic wavelengths with unlimited harmonic designs. Every biological
creation has use of multiple vortexes. Engineered with skill, a vortex has vast applications and capacitance.
Energy gain and creative replication happen in a vortex. It can be the primary tool of every scientist. A
modern alchemist, however, needs to know the vortex as a dynamic biological tool within his own being.
He must realize, learn to use, the inner circle within himself/herself.

Vortex in Ancient Civilizations
Vortex Can convey a Message
Single and double vortexes can be seen in religious artifacts from all over the world and in use at
any time, ancient or contemporary. There are too many to speak about, from holes in dolman stones to the
metal in the prayerful hands of the Tibetan Lamas. That is because a vortex makes manifest unseen
signals, unknown realities. They are the rings through which a man or woman can speak to ALL THAT

Emerald Structure
Vortex Replication Example
Emeralds are manufactured in a chamber where heat sustains strong kinetic activity in fields
supplied with certain gasses. A very small crystal of green beryl is stationed properly in a vortex of the
chamber as a seed for molecular patterning. The beryl radiates its exact hexagonal harmonies into very
large overtones that fill the chamber and beyond. These high frequency harmonies are characterized by
directionally radiating six sided vortexes which divide themselves perfectly into overtones and undertones.

The Spider Web
Vortex is Creative Change
A vortex is like a toroid. It swirls its currents round and round, not only inward or outward but
around. In its center (seen as a cross-section) are patterns of radii and concentric orbital rings generated
by the circuit loops around the toroid's circling current.
In the center of a toroid is a pattern that resembles a spider's web.
The rings of webbing drawn around by a spider are not concentric
but convoluted. When currents make a change in the toroid, the equatorial rings move in and out in a
convoluted way. When a new galaxy forms its field, arms are outreaching in convolution. So the patterns
of a spider's web speak of creative change.

The Labirint pattern
The nature of Vortex
It is the nature of a vortex to seductively draw energy through its center and to impress that
energy with its own message. The uncommitted energy around a vortex can be sucked in unless it is wary.
Yet, such energy may be looking for a nurturing place and find a vortex to be a home.
The pattern of a labyrinth can be very similar to a spider’s web.

Will and Universal Fields
The Center of a Vortex
Vortexes are places to actively create or alter signal speeds and wavelengths. The center of a
vortex is always slower than its loop. The orbits (or spirals) it creates are graduated in their speeds,
slowest at center, more active at the circumference. The speeds are calculable if the speed of the toroid
current is known. Within every vortex there is a measure of WILL to counterbalance its effects. WILL
proves to be a bridge to the Universal Fields at center through which energy can be cleared.

Vortex within the Brain
Vortex can Deliver Energy
Simultaneous Vortexes within the brain allow a person to abstract, deduce, reduce, and relate all
knowledge within the consciousness. As you know, brain function is critically reliant upon blood flow
carrying oxygen and other crucial chemicals to the cells of the brain. Within the oxygen is the active ST
Fields which are directly utilized in the brain activity. Once released from oxygen by caloric burning, the
Space-Time Fields quickly pass out into the environment. New Oxygen must be immediately supplied to provide the necessary fields for life. The Yoga call these fields prana and it is delivered through breath. ST Fields
can also be delivered to the head through etheric vortexes

The Third Eye
Vortex can be driven by Commands
Vortexes in your head face all directions. Your head serves as a broadcasting station for signals
and a receiving station for signals. There are biological mechanisms to open and close the energy Vortexes
in your brain as well as to circulate energy around them. These centers are responsive to the command of
your will. The vortex called the "third eye," centered just above your eyes, is familiar to you. Revolving it
to your left will draw field inward, to your right field moves outward. You can command and designate it to
revolve at very high speeds. Each speed will alter your energy state and receiving capacity. Full
consciousness must drive the commands.

The Simple Pinhole Camera
Vortex (Magnetic Aperture)
It is none other than a vortex, a pinhole in the end of a shoebox, that alters the
sunlight passing through to produce a picture upside down on the back end of the closed
shoebox. It was this observation that sparked the invention of all sophisticated cameras.What happens to light in a hole in any material is that it is transited through an
electron stimulated "magnetic" aperture. Oncoming light strikes the cardboard end of
the shoebox and sets up currents throughout the material. Currents begin a circulation
around the edges of the hole. A regular torus is born. The hole develops a "magnetic"
network in the form of a spider's web. Radial lines are drawn from the center of the hole
to the circumference and are threaded through and around in concentric circles or spirals.
ONE COMPASSIONATE TRUTH is the vortex from which all love and sharing outpour. It is the well-spring of manifestation and the very nature of your creative gifts of life.
Consciousness is a part of Unified Theory
Other Inspirations

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