Inner power
Remember how to create Your reality Instantly!
Without time or conditions
Right now!
Gain Clarity of what is about to happenb with you by joining into this experience
What we can do together?
"He who sees all beings in his own Self, and his own Self in all beings, loses all fear."
Every Sunday
There are no waiting rooms and everyone can join every time before, during of after the gathering!
However the actual event will be on each Sunday from 5pm GMT and might take about 2 hours or less.
We Start with a talk where different ideas will be reflected and then enter in a Group Mediation for about 1Hour,, then we can share experience, ask any questions in a dialog or if you prefer retreat in silence and extend your meditation in the field we create previously as a group.
Its all up to you, there are no expectations at all, and everyone is free to participate or collaborate in the way his heart desire!
You can see the correct time for your Time Zone On the image below or click the button to use online converter
Thank You!

Join the group Meditation
How to participate?
The Online Workshop will take place on Every Sunday at 5pm BST/GMT via Zoom. You can join by clicking the button bellow and type the Password: rESONANCE
Take your best headphone set and lets dive together into the depth of our hearts where time converge into a single moment of bliss!
The Structure of our Physical mind
Why the interactions between Beliefs Amotions And Thoughts is so important?

Beliefs-Unconscious Level
Beliefs are the Matrix of our reality. They are like a Blueprint for building a house (Reality).

Emotions-Subconscious Level
Emotions are setting up the Energy in motion. They are like the workers who build the house (Reality).

Thoughts- Conscious Level
The Thoughts are the material used for the building process. Quality is always important and matters.
The Ten Illusions

1.Need Exists
The belief that there is something you need to do, get, or be to be happy or complete.

2.Failure Exists
The belief that it is possible for you to fail or be unworthy.

3.Disunity Exists
The belief that you are separate from everything else.

4.Insufficiency Exists
The belief that there is not enough of what you need or desire.
Your Heart Knows and wisper all Answers!

5.Requirement Exists
The belief that certain things are required for you to live a fulfilling life.

6.Judgment Exists
The belief that it is appropriate or necessary to judge yourself or others.

7. Condemnation Exists
The belief that you or others deserve punishment for their actions.

8.Conditionality Exists
The belief that love and acceptance are conditional.
Everything is made out of consciousness including all technologies

9.Superiority Exists
The belief that you or your group are better or more important than others.

10.Ignorance Exists
The belief that you are unaware or uninformed of important truths.

The more you give the more you receive
Unconditional Love is the essence of our core! When we give it out we become conduit of that power and receive from its qualities. Our heart opens like a rose and become more receptive and conductive of that energy which amplify all positive and transform all negative aspects of or being. It is a food for the mind, body and the soul!

The Greatest power need the lightest touch
Unconditional Love accepts, allows, embraces, acknowledges, and appreciates all aspects of existence, including the most positive and negative and all in between. Because of that, it has zero impedance and can move with infinite speed. This is what allows it to be everywhere at ones and interact will all aspect in a powerful but invisible way!
AS One
A Prayer We Use to tune into "All that is"
You, who has no name, but all names belong to you!
You who create it all from within, but remain forever One!
Thank you for allowing us to taste your Love,
Thank you for seeing us as equals!
For your infinite nature, size is relative and even irrelevant…
Allow us to be a vessel for your gratitude
and see from the eyes of compassion!
To understand the purpose of the negative
and acknowledge its value!
Always use it positively, as you do…
Teach us not to ask for more but to appreciate
and use what is already here differently!
Inspire us to see the beauty in both darkness and light
as they are equally valid and forever part of us!
Let us stand in the middle and choose the light,
but allow the darkness to exist and create contrast.
Let us bring clarity and perspective
where there is confusion and uncertainty!
Let us sow Love where is hatred!
Let us be at service to humanity and remain Humble…
Let us heal the wounds
of the ignorant’s body, mind, and soul.
Thank you for immersing our being into the river
of your mercy and wisdom!
Thank you for being always with us, even when
We created the illusion of separation between us!
Thank you for showing us that we are eternal, infinite,
indestructible, and integral!
…That Love is our essence
and the most incredible power of all!
Thank you for creating us,
But you never see us as something separate from you!
Thank you for giving us the power to change our entire existence!
Because you intertwine it all,
from the smallest to the most enormous, through the middle…
And when we move, you move with us
And when you move, we move with you.
Every Sunday
There are no waiting rooms and everyone can join every time before, during of after the gathering!
However the actual event will be on each Sunday from 5pm GMT and might take about 2 hours or less.
We Start with a talk where different ideas will be reflected and then enter in a Group Mediation for about 1Hour,, then we can share experience, ask any questions in a dialog or if you prefer retreat in silence and extend your meditation in the field we create previously as a group.
Its all up to you, there are no expectations at all, and everyone is free to participate or collaborate in the way his heart desire!
You can see the correct time for your Time Zone On the image below or click the button to use online converter
Thank You!

Join the group Meditation
How to participate?
The Online Workshop will take place on Every Sunday at 5pm BST/GMT via Zoom. You can join by clicking the button bellow and type the Password: RESONANCE
Take your best headphone set and lets dive together into the depth of our hearts where time converge into a single moment of bliss!

Take One Step Forward
For everyone who wants to amplify his experience
All group meditations on Sunday are Unconditional and 100% Free and
because of that, I do not even request the participants’ emails where they can eventually receive a free password.
However, if you really enjoyed the experience and the time we spent together, you can take a step further by Subscribing for my newsletter.
Every Subscriber will give me the chance to surprise him unexpectedly in different ways